Tuesday, May 31, 2011

范瑋琪 最重要的決定 HIGH QUALITY MV (完整版) [With Lyrics]

Friday, May 27, 2011

最重要的決定 ~

我常在想 应该再也找不到
I've been thinking there probably won't be

任何人 像你对我那么好
anyone who will treat me as well as you do

so good that my family is being looked after

我的朋友 还为你撑腰
even my friends are proud of you

你还是有 一堆毛病改不掉
Still, you have many flaws yet to be corrected

拗起来 气到仙女都跳脚
your stubborness can make an angle flare up

可是人生 完美的事太少
But life is not prefect

We can't long to have everything

You're my most important decision

我愿意 每天在你身边苏醒
I'm willing to stay awake by your side everyday

就连吵架也很过瘾 不会冷冰
Even if we qurrel, our love will not grow cold

因为真爱没有输赢 只有亲密
Beacause in love, there's no victory obnly intimacy

You're my most important decision

我愿意 打破对未知的恐惧
I'm willing to break free of fear for tomorrow

就算流泪也能放晴 将心比心
Even if there're tears, everything will turn out fine

因为幸福没有捷径 只有经营
Because there's no shortcut to bliss,
we have to take every effort to make love work.

Love this song~