Sunday, March 27, 2011


Stress, stress and stress!!!!!!!!! I'm totally stressed!! Why do we need to do a lot of assignments? There are two assignments, Accounting homework, Business and Society homework to submit and Accounting test in this week. I hate it I don't know how to do when I plan to start to work on it. I hate it when I'm trying hard to ask but I couldn't get any answer. I hate it when other people are doing well but I don't even know how to do. FML!! I wanna get out from all these things. Sorry for being emotional. I need your understanding. =X

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday night

Friday night!! Went for dinner with my cousins. It has been a long time I didn't meet them. After the dinner, we talked for quite long time. And my little nephew and niece. They're so cute!! So happy to be with them.

This is Ah Boy. ^^

And this is Yan Yan. ^^

Thanks for the night~!! I had a great night. =)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


刚刚看回我之前的post, 心里有很多感触。我才发现原来以前的我,这么的不成熟。阅读着自己所写的部落格,脑海里已沉睡的记忆,一页一页地被掀开。在友谊上、感情上,都曾经创伤。现在才发觉,我还蛮傻的。为了‘他’,哭的要生要死的,这一切都值得吗?也许吧。。至少让我上了一堂课!现在的我,正为我的未来努力。不在去想“如果的事”。


Thursday, March 17, 2011


Friend? What does a FRIEND mean? Do you have a really real friend? It's very hard to find a real friend in your life. It's hard to find a friend that can really understand you. It's hard to find a friend that know you're sad without you telling her/him. It's hard to find a friend that you can really share your happiness with. But.. I'm glad that I have a friend like that!! She's Yi Xing!! Although she's far away from me now, she is still my best best friend and I know she will be there for me when I need her! =) I miss the times we talk, we play and we share. Hope to see you soon! And also Biao. He is my best friend. too Take care, my friends. See ya soon. Cheers for our friendship!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Uni life

Hi everyone!! Sorry for the late update. ^^'' Degree has just started and last week was the orientation. I'm taking Bachelor of Manangement (Marketing). I think degree is gonna make my life busier. As expected, lots of assignments.. Cannot be as lazy as in foundation already. =X There are few classmates in TBF taking the same course with me. Thank God that I'm not alone and look like a fool during the first few weeks in foundation. Haha. Hmm.. Gonna move to Pris's unit next month. Happy that I no need to stay with this "roommate" anymore and I can have my privacy. Unhaapy that the rental fees is abit expensive actually. =(

Anyway, let's start our 'everyday' with a lovely smile :) and happy always!! God gives us what is the best!! =)