24.12.2011 (Christmas eve)
The worship team member in Christmas eve (without puppet and sheng.)
"We are the reason" presented by youth.
With the cute little baby. :D
Keep on taking pictures.
After church, countdown at Taste with Xing, Szu, Sue, Min and Liew Zheng. It's not like the past years we can all countdown together after church. It's only 6 of us.
Min, Xing and Me.
25.12.2011 (Christmas night)- Christmas party and move into new house celebration at puppet's house. We were BBQ-ing while it's raining. Thanks for a great night. :)

Exchanging Christmas present.

Puppet, Me, Szu and Min

Me, Xing, Szu and Min
25.12.2011 (Christmas Day)

With "long time no see's" Lee Fong.
And she's still very talkactive. :)
Had a wonderful Christmas with all of you in my hometown, Sandakan. I'm so glad that I have the chance to serve in church when I came back. I really miss the times we are serving in church together. Thank God for the beautiful Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year everyone. :)