Sunday, September 2, 2012

August's "things"

Hey yo!! It's September now. Time flies and I just realized it's almost the end of the year already. My semester 4 will be completed after 2 months and I'm graduating in 1 and a half year. Ahh.. Time is passing too fast. Assignments never stopping again!! The most exciting thing in September that I'm looking forward to will be the FCC YOUth camp!! It will be really fun and exciting! :) Waiting for it!

Here are some activities during August. 
Pass the time to pictures. :)

One night in the beginning of August, I went to Baskin Robin 
with my uni's friends for free ice cream.
Thank God we have just queued for around 20 minutes. :)
We have nothing to do so we went there.

Me, Wan Ru and Yue Ni, 
the Hakka girls.

My favorite SnowFlake!!
Went to SS15 snowflake with some of my cell group members 
after prayer meeting on Wednesday night.

Yvonne, my cell group leader.
She is very nice.
A good cell leader, caring friend and great sister!! :)

Gathering with my lovely cousins.
Had steamboat and BBQ at
Pui Yee jie jie's new house.

My nephew and niece, 
ah boy and yan yan.

The little girl, Yung Yung


Another outing with cousins.
Had breakfast at Levain Boulangerie Patisserie.
<3 food="food" p="p" the="the" there.="there.">

Dinner after shopping!! :)
Self-shooting failed! Haha