Yuhoooo!! Happy Birthday to myself. This is my 18th birthday. Feel abit old already. Haha. But, my heart is still young!! xD Thanks for all my family, my dear, church friends, friends.. who great me. Thanks for your wishes. I appreciate it. =)
~Thanks, my mum and dad~
I love it!! ^^
Thanks to my mum and dad for the birthday present. A camera!! I love it. Thank you very much. And my mum is the first person who send a birthday message to me. I'm surprised when I received her message. Hehe. And also thanks to my brother for greating me a happy birthday. I love you, mummy and daddy!! ^^~Thanks Biran~
Birthday present from Brian. ^^
Thanks for spending me SUSHI~!!
Thanks my dear, Brian for the present, spending me to eat sushi(hana maki)=P and celebrating my birthday with me. Although not on the exact day, I'm happy enough. =) Love you dear. ^^
~Thanks, Xing~
Xing, thanks for your wishes. Yea. This is the first year that we can't celebrate birthday together. Miss you so much. =( And I aapreciate our friendship. Sorry for any misunderstanding in the past. =) Just wanna tell you, you're such a good and caring friend or cousin. hehe. God bless you and your family. Hope to see you soon. ^^ ~Thanks, Biao~Biao, thanks for your wishes too. I'm glad that you still remember my birthday. Yea. I appreciate our friendship too. Don't forget to spend me to eat when I'm back. Haha. You're my best friend forever!! God bless ya. ^^
~Thanks, my share group members~
A birthday cake from my share group members
Birthday present from Pris and Elias. Ribbon!!! ^^
A birthday card with wishes from Pris and Elias
Gift from Vincent. MENTOS~
Priscilla and Me
My share group members
I wanna thanks to my share group members, Priscilla, Jacqueline, Samuel, Anderson, Vincent, Melanie. Thanks Samuel and Jaqueline for the delicious dinner. Thanks all for the birthday cake. And thanks Priscilla and Elias for the present. I like it. =) God be with you all always! God bless!! ^^
Thanks to all of you. God bless ya~ ^^
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