Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I've just finished Excel II today. Phew.. Finally finish.. I didn't get good sleep during the exam weeks and I'm really tired after work hard against the exam for 2 weeks. We're free from exam finally. But for 1 week only=.= It's the trial exam a week after open school. so fast.. and then SPM. Wish all the best to my friends who are sitting for SPM this year. Gambateh lo~!!
I recall what had happened on Saturday night (Music Festival Night) after reading Biao's blog just now. Yea.. We planned to go for a drink after the music festival end. But Henry, Meteor, Puppet, Cheng and Ning went away suddenly. Maybe they go somewhere else. I don't know. They just left without telling us and just left a call for us. They left Thomas there. What for bringing him out but not bringing him back huh?? Why cannot just wait for a while? Biao accompanied us till the end. Thanks a lot. After the music festival end, me, biao, ching and dick planned to go for a drink. Dick wanted to eat at pasar. But Biao and me didn't feel like going there. At last, we didn't join them and just back home after having a few round at Indah. We don't have any mood at all that time. Really felt "bu xuang" le.. I don't hope that will happen anymore.
"I miss your smile!" Yee Ting told me today. Hmm.. She said my smile has disappear. Really? Maybe I'm not feeling well last few days. Anyway, thanks for her concern. ^^