Last night after youth fellowship, we did what we do usually- have a drink at The Rock Cafe. A new cafe at ijm. It's quite nice and comfortable. We leave our comments and signs at the big whiteboard.. meaningful. Nice try~!!^^
Well, I'm just back home from church. Today really soOooOoooo hot. Easy to fall sick. Take care ya~ Going to jog at Tshun Ngen later. want to keep fit~!! haha.. Xing and Susu have such a long time didn't join us to jog together. Hmm.. They seem like far away from us now. What happened?? Hope that we will spend more time together~^^
Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Rock Cafe
Posted by yuan at 1:09:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Feel quite happy today:) I woke up at 10am this morning. hmm.. it's quite late. I have forgotten that I have a date with my friends (Joyce, Jessie, Shi Ping. Siaw Wan & Ka Ceng) at 9.30pm. So, after woke up i go to wash up as fast as possible. Wow.. really rush.. We go to buy dress and shoes for the coming Interact Installation Night. I have bought a black dress with RM60. I love it so much~!! Jessie and Ka Ceng also bought a black dress and Shi ping bought a pair of shoes. Joyce, Siaw Wan and still not yet find out our shoes. haha.. After that, we have a drink at Jesselton Coffee. Nestum cheese cake is extremely delicous. Yummy~!!! Such a long time didn't hang out with them. Hmm.. Feel quite good just now^^ Anyway, hope that our friendship will last forever~
Time to bath now. Going to church for youth fellowship later..^^
Posted by yuan at 4:35:00 PM 0 comments
Today's Sipritual Vitamin
* Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
* Sometimes, God breaks our heart to make us whole.
* Sometimes, God sends us pain so we can be stronger.
* Sometimes, God sends us failure so we can be humble.
* Sometimes, God sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
* Sometimes, God takes EVERYTHING from us so we can learn the value of EVERYTHING we have.
Posted by yuan at 12:37:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Phew... Finally have finished all the tests today.. Last night i sleep at 3am because of study biology for the test. I fell asleep untill 1am. Then, start revision at 1am to 3am =.= Really tired. Feel very sleepy at school.
I went for a praise concert just now with Biao, Xing, Xue Wei, Puppet, Meteor, David, Cheng and my brother at Basel Sandakan Church. Hmm.. It's still ok^^ I remember the words by the lady: "When there is a forgiveness, there is a love." I'm agreed about that. We should learn to forgive others so that we have no enemy. Love everyone around us:) After the concert, we go Jesselton for a drink and chat a lot at there. Jesselton again.. Super Moist Chocolate cake.. Yummy~!!^^
Time to sleep now.. ZZzzZzzzZzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Posted by yuan at 11:49:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Just back from youth fellowship at church. Scolded by my dad because of my brother! Sigh~ Why want to scold me??? That's not my false, ok!!! I'm not purposely don't answer ur call, ok... Please think before u scold!! Why adult must be the right one??? and we must be the false one??? Can't the adult think at our side and care our feelings? Do u really know that sometimes ur words will hurt us??? huh??!! Do u really understand us??? Whatever.. Really tired to explain and bother about it.. Every time also will be like that.. Sigh~~
Hmm.. Have my dinner after youth fellowship. Maggie again=.= Don't have time to eat dinner because need to go to church early for practice song. Tonight's youth fellowship was quite funny and enjoy. Learnt something from it. Love the praise and worship^^ Keep going on~!!
Posted by yuan at 11:59:00 PM 0 comments
Updated again...
Hmm.. Just arrived home. Practice song at church just now and then have a drink with Biao, Ching, Joshua and Durian at Moon & Star (old place). Quite boring to go there because always be there but still want to. haha.. Stupid.. Hmm.. I think i should eat less from now. My weight has raised 2kg! Oh no!! It's already so much for me. I don't become fatter and fatter than now. I should do exercise everyday but I'm lazy. haha.. Help me~!!!! Going to have biology and sejarah test next week. aikss.. Maybe can't sleep early next week. I haven't start my revision T.T
I feel quite angry at school during recess time because of something. What the hell.. sigh.. Never mind.. Don't want to bother about it! FORGIVE and FORGET~!!!
Posted by yuan at 12:33:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Special Words
Yuan's word:
Don't ever make a promise if u might not make it. (yuan 1:1)
Audrey's word:
Don't ever test my faith because u will lose the battle. (Audrey 1:1)
Posted by yuan at 3:14:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
下雨天了怎麼辦 我好想你
我不敢打給你 我找不到原因
為什麼失眠的聲音 變得好熟悉
沈默的場景 做你的代替
誰和我一樣 等不到他的誰
愛上你我總在學會 寂寞的滋味
一個人撐傘 一個人擦淚
怎樣的雨 怎樣的夜
雨要多大 天要多黑
其實 沒有我你分不出那些差別
別說你會難過 別說你想改變
Posted by yuan at 11:48:00 PM 0 comments
It's 12.11am now. I haven't sleep yet. Doing revision for Maths test. So many tests this few weeks. Maths, Sejarah, Bio.... I'm totally stressed an tired! Really tired, tired and tired... Tiredness covered me..
Posted by yuan at 12:10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Time to say Bye Bye
Posted by yuan at 12:16:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunny Sunday
Silly susu & crazy yuan :p
Posted by yuan at 8:37:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hmm.. What should I say??

Posted by yuan at 11:53:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
先走了 去了好远的地方
不能再陪你看日出 等不到天亮
生死由天决定 不要太伤心
*在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前
在你怀里 舍不得放弃
我使劲全力 不想闭上眼睛
不能再陪你 但不要忘记
一位已过世十七岁少女刻骨铭心的爱情创作... 感人肺腑的一首歌~
“爱” 说了出口就收不回去.
一旦心灵上受了伤害, 虽然伤口已复原了,
爱一个人, 也不一定要占有他.
Posted by yuan at 10:54:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Feel sorry
I'm sorry to my friend. I just knew that Biao knows what had happened to me recently when i view his blog last night. I never tell him about that. He said heard from someone. I also don't know who is that. I know he is really a trusted friend but.. i really don't know what to say. I'm not good in express myself to others. I'm not hiding my own problem from u guys purposely. I think my own problem does not need to know by everyone and I don't want u all to worry about that. As what Biao said, Love is blind. Yea.. That's true but sometimes it depends on the way u manage about it. Well, I think everything is ok now. I'm still the original Yuan,k! I have my own freedom and a new life now. What had happened to me is just like a dream, come suddenly and end so fast. Biao, thanks for ur support and sorry ya.. Hmm.. But sometimes u really think too much lar.. Why u said that our kindly attitude to u are so weird?? Friend should not be like that? Hmm.. Biao, don't think too much and remember that we'll always be with u^^
Posted by yuan at 3:39:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sing Kang Youth~
I'm just back home from youth gathering at church. Henry has came back from KK few days ago but he didn't tell us that he has came back. Then, just now suddenly saw him at church. He said want to give us a SURPRISE.. haha.. hmm.. Got a bit surprise lor because before that Puppet got told us about that. So, it's not really a big surprise.. Lol.. Whatever lar.. Happy to meet him and spending time together with him. He will go kl for his further education soon. I'm still remember that the time we play, hang out and serve God together. He is a good and caring friend. May God bless him and always be with him.

Sing kang youth gang
These photos are taken long time ago. I think is about 3 years ago. I was form 2 that time. Hmm.. Time past so fast. Some of them left here for their further education, work.... But there are a lot of memories.. happy, sad, disappointed.. We learnt many things from that. Sing kang youth Gambateh!!^^
Posted by yuan at 11:27:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
I feel sleepy all the time at school today. I think maybe sleep too late last night. Actually nothing special today. School life really bored. Everyday just repeat and do the same thing but sometimes have fun also..hehe.. This year is the last year to spend my time with classmates, friends and teachers in secondary school. After form 5, I think we will have our further education at different place. So, we must appreciate the time that we're spending together. I will.. of course!
During Bio lesson, Puan Grace told us about her childhood. I recall many memorizes of my childhood that time. haha.. I spent my childhood with yi xing most of the time. We know each other since we are 4 years old. We were in the same class from kindergarden until primary 6. We always play around together and it was very happy. Hmm.. we like to play barbie doll last time. We make the clothes ourselves for the doll.haha.. It's funny.. But we study at different school now. Distance does not seperate our friendship. We still got tuition together and she is at the same church with me too. She is a good pianist and drummer:p She will go to Newzealand next year but I won't forget her. Friendship Forever!! ^^
Posted by yuan at 4:24:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Happy Birthday to Ms Lam
Today is Ms Lam's birthday. We have just hang out and celebrate her birthday with her just now. Many people there.. Audrey, Janice, Joan, Crystal, Chuin, Olivia, Brian, Ming chen, Yan Yee....and others.. We have our dinner at 'The Boss' and after that we planned to watch a movie. But when we arrived cinema, there's no current. Unbelievable a cinema will no current! What a ...cinema... Lolxx!! Then we just go to Jesselton Coffee and have a drink at there. Really feel so full just now. haha.. Today at school, we gave Ms Lam a big surprise. She is touched.. I think..haha.. However, wish her has a blessed birthday and happy always^^
Hmm.. feel quite tired today. I skip chinese class today with Audrey. This is my 1st time to skip chinese class because just feel like don't want to attend the class. The teacher is so boring. Feel so tired to face her. Hmm.. still got a bit moody this few days and I'm still waiting..? Maybe.. Just let it be how could it be.. I can do nothing with it..
Posted by yuan at 11:07:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
我要快乐 我要能睡的安稳
离开了才不恨 我早应该割舍
我要快乐 哪怕笑的再大声
Posted by yuan at 10:36:00 PM 0 comments
I'm really tired today. After school got account class then after that got tuition again. Luckily tonight's tuition canceled. This few days, we were busying for our Malay drama presentation. It's quite success. I'll post the photos later=p hmm.. I'm really so tired. Tired in the body and tired in the heart too. I'm still ok in this few days. I think everything need time to recover. Sad--->happy..need time. Cry--->laugh.. need time. Hurt in heart really need time to heal. Maybe as the time past, u will forget the things that make u feel sad, unhappy and make ur tears drop from ur eyes. I hope I can forget about it but I don't know whether i can do that or not. Sometimes, it's better know nothing than know everything. Remember, smile is very important in ur life. Smile always.. Smile can makes u happy and cheerful. Before that, I thought my smile will disappear in my life but I noticed that just smile can brings away all my sadness. Hope You will be happy always too...
Posted by yuan at 8:42:00 PM 0 comments