Just back home from church for choir practice. I have left praise team! So on with biao. Hmm.. happy? Maybe I think.. I'm really tired being in the praise team. The attitude of 'someone'... Don't want to talk about it anymore. Just forgive and forget. It's kinda hard to forgive and forget but try it! Feel sick.. headache and coughing. Plan not go to school today but i did not. Because it's Friday. Friday is a happy day. A stupid reason, right?=.= Maybe not enough sleep. I've been stayed until late night this few days. For no reason? I don't know..
FRIEND!!! Friends are always special and important in my life. But i feel that some friends that around me changed. They have changed or I'm the one who have changed? Start with..

Susu: She is xing's sister. A cute girl. Always laugh and cheerful. U will feel happy when u see her charming face.But sometimes her respond got a bit slow. Never mind.. It's her special characteristic.. haha.. Opss.. said something wrong.. sorry.. hehe.. Keep on with ur smiling ya..susu^^
Puppet: Hmm.. still waiting for someone special?? I think so.. Totally.. haha.. I think some of u should know who is the special one he is waiting for.. Shhh... :p Gambateh ya!!
Biao: Crazy always.. Likes to make silly jokes.. He brings many happiness to people around him(sometimes).. haha.. Can be considered as a trusted friend. Facing some problem now. Pray for him and his family.
Friends are not a game to play. Friends are not just a word to say. Friends do not start in March and end in May. Friends mean yesterday, today and forever!
My situation now: Hmm.. Feeling better now. Still waiting for something special. Miracle..? Don't know.. Just wait, the only thing that I can do now.
p/s: Somethings that do not belong to u will never come back to u. But if it's yours, it will be yours forever. Appreciate everything that u have before u lost it.
Well, It's 1.15am now. Time to sleep. Nite.. ZZzzzzz...
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