I'm just back home from youth gathering at church. Henry has came back from KK few days ago but he didn't tell us that he has came back. Then, just now suddenly saw him at church. He said want to give us a SURPRISE.. haha.. hmm.. Got a bit surprise lor because before that Puppet got told us about that. So, it's not really a big surprise.. Lol.. Whatever lar.. Happy to meet him and spending time together with him. He will go kl for his further education soon. I'm still remember that the time we play, hang out and serve God together. He is a good and caring friend. May God bless him and always be with him.

Sing kang youth gang
These photos are taken long time ago. I think is about 3 years ago. I was form 2 that time. Hmm.. Time past so fast. Some of them left here for their further education, work.... But there are a lot of memories.. happy, sad, disappointed.. We learnt many things from that. Sing kang youth Gambateh!!^^
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